Rekindling the Romance with Reading

Monday, February 9, 2015
When I was a child and a teenager, my favourite thing to do was to read.
I devoured books, and I scoured second hand book shops. Honestly, I was so bad, every time we even passed a secondhand book shop in the car my father would just say 'no' before I'd even have a chance to ask. My husband (sometimes) bemoans the fact that our garage is full of boxes of books collected from these second-hand jaunts. (I can't wait to get our house built with plenty of shelving installed for them).

Now, when my life is full of children and school and timetables and committee meetings and cooking and writing, reading has taken a back seat. Second hand bookshops are only for times when I'm on my annual weekend getaway with my husband.
And I miss having the luxury of time for reading.
So this year I've decided to allow time for that. Even if it's just half an hour with a real book.

I'm rekindling the romance.

I've brought myself a whacking great diary for this year, and I put everything in it, even down to scheduling reading time. With life being so busy I am having to slot my work and my leisure into a much more organised time frame than I have previously been used to. I have 5 books to finish writing this year alone!

One of the benefits of being in a large family like my husband's, is that I have nieces and nephews who are adults and so sometimes I manage to get caught up on the younger, modern generation and what's hip at the moment. So when my niece Angela told me over the weekend that she was joining in with the ModernMrsDarcy's reading challenge, I was keen to hear more!

One book a month! I'm pretty sure I can handle that!

I've already missed January, so rather than try and catch up, I'm going to start in February.

This month's suggestion: A Book Published This Year.

I'm trying to decide between two books.

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins


A Spool of Thread by Anne Tyler

Two books of very different styles and genres. One is a thriller and one is about a family.

I am not familiar with either of these authors - have any of  you read either of these books, or even other works by these authors, and can give me your opinion? I'd love to know!

Do you have a reading challenge for the year? Do you even set one? I've done these before, and generally find that failure sets in a few weeks later, but this one seems achievable, and I'm looking forward to getting back my love of reading.

I plan on ordering the actual books to read. Even though so much of my life is online at the moment, you can't quite beat the feeling of real paper between your fingers. No more torch under the bedcovers for me anymore, though, as I did as a child, though it might be fun to try it like that again just for the sake of nostalgia.

What do you think?

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1 comment :

Amy at love made my home said...

I hope that you enjoy your reading! xx

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